Serfe in the Flisol 2013

26 April 2013 Published in Blog

On April 27th we had an especially active participation in the 2013 FLISOL (Free Software Installation Latin American Festival). The company’s CEO Federico Berardi participated in a presentation called “Working with free and open source code software on the development and deployment of web sites and applications”. Federico Berardi showed how Serfe provides integral solutions in regard to web development using open source licenses. In the event several topics were put to relevance such as copyleft or how to focus free software and its implication in scientific investigation projects.


The event had local media coverage. It was a day full with presentations where the goal was to achieve an approaching between free software vantages and professionals. In Serfe we combine the best free software tools available with our talent and resourcefulness to bring our clients the most efficient way in the develop their projects.

Serfe info(at) FALUCHO 2032, S3016LDB, SANTO TOME, SANTA FE, ARGENTINA 1-305-5375397
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