Enterprise solutions

Knowldedge Database

The main goal of implementing a Knowledge Database in companies is to create a dynamic repository of shared files, where data, texts, procedures, policies, and other information are stored, centralizing knowledge and ideas, an organizing them in a coherent way, making access easier for users.

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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence software (BI Software) allows you to gather, polish and transform big numbers of historical data in reports and graphics that help to filter information and identify bottlenecks and your most profitable products and clients.

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Project management systems

Project Management Software is a collaborative tool that allows you to plan, monitor and control projects through a web interface. All members of your team can be part of the project, which helps to manage planning in real time.

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Workflow/Process management

Workflow / Process Management offers a workflow solution that helps organizations of all sizes to easily design, automatize and implement business processes. Its tools allow users to create functional forms and workflow charts, in a collaborative web interface, making coordination and communication among departments easier.

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Email marketing

Email Marketing has become an efficient tool when it comes to making information known in a fast and efficient way, thanks to its subscribers database. It's different from spam as the person that receives messages requests information to be delivered by email and they can unsuscribe from the database at…

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